Dca tot am vorbit de David Beckham ca a pozat pentru noua colectie de lenjerie intima semnata Armani, am cautat pe net mai multe modele care fac parte din acceasi colectie ,pentru a le prezenta baietilor si de ce nu pentru a bucura ochii fetelor.
27 iunie 2008
26 iunie 2008
Albastru pur - acvamarin - must have in aceasta vara
Vara este un subiect de inspiratie foarte generos pentru designeri. Iar cularea albastra, care duce gandul la valurile marii, reprezinta o noua pasiune a creatorilor, fie ca este vorba de rochii, fuste, bluze sau pantaloni. Nunantele tulubratoare de acvamarin vor insoti cele mai hot tinute ale verii. Albastrul pur este cularea care predomina in noile colectii de vara Versace. Fii sigura ca ai cel putin o rochie albastra in garderoba ta si cu siguranta vei atrage priviri admirative asupra ta cand o vei imbraca.
Zara Collection
Zara Collection offers the latest, hottest trends and must have looks for each season. It is such a beautiful summer collection. I like it!!!!!!
24 iunie 2008
David Beckham - imaginea Armani pentru lenjerie intima
Acum cateva zile s-a lansat oficial campania publicitara pentru linia de lenjerie intima toamna-iarna 2008-2009 semnata Emporio Armani, in care model este fotbalistul David Beckham. Intr-un costum impecabil, Armani, David Beckham s-a intalnit cu fanii la Macy's, unde a avut loc lansarea campania publicitara de lenjerie intima Emporio Armani Underwear. Sportivul a fost ales de catre designerul Georgio Armani pentru a fi imaginea colectiei de lenjerie intima Emporio Armani. Noua campanie publicitara pentru linia de lenjerie intima pentru barbati, semnata de Giorgio Armani, a fost realizata pe plaja din Malibu.
Reclama va aparea pe panouri gigant in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Londra, Milano, Roma, Paris si Tokyo. Primul panou publicitar a fost dezvelit, in Union Square din San Francisco.
17 iunie 2008
Fashion Guidelines
When buying clothes and dressing to express your dignity as a classy young lady:
1. Remember that first impressions are important. People who never get to speak to you or listen to you can still see you. How do you want them to remember you?
2. Remember that you live in many different positions, even if you are not in yoga class! You sit, stand, lean over, climb up stairs with people behind you, and sit at tables facing speakers, bosses or teachers. How do your clothes or lack of clothes appear to the people who are next to you, above you and below you in all your daily positions?
3. Blouses and shirts that are too loose can be as immodest as tight ones. If the neckline droops from your body when you bend over, guess what everyone can see? (The body parts that your blouse was designed to cover!) If the armpit is too loose, think about the view of the person standing next to you — right to the inside!
4. Blouses that button sometimes have see through gaps between the buttons, so consider if there is a side view to the inside, this may not be the blouse to buy or wear. Or is it too tight and comes unbuttoned easily? You may need to wear a full slip or tank top underneath.
5. Lift your arms up over your head when you look in the mirror. Does your back or belly show? If so, you need a longer look or a layer underneath.
6. If you wear a skirt that is too short and go up stairs at work, church or school, guess what shows to the people behind you on the stairs? What else happens when you sit down? (The skirt rides up and your upper thighs are exposed, or worse yet, your underwear can be seen.)
7. Many of today's V-necks have plunged to all new "lows"! They can even become more revealing when worn by short or medium height girls. Layer your tops so that your private parts remain private.
8. If it is summer and you are wearing lightweight clothing, make sure that your undergarments are doing their job protecting your modesty. Try an extra lined bra for the months that it is too warm to dress in layers. If you wear light colored pants, how thick is the fabric and how loose are they? How solid is your underwear? Also, choose a bra that has a little padding to help disguise you when you are cold
9. Let your clothes be an advertisement of your dignity as a young lady. Be careful about dressing "grungy" even if it is modest. Typically, how you dress and how you act will correspond. If you're dressed "sloppily", you're more likely to act "sloppily". If you're dressed like a young lady, you're more likely to act like a young lady.
10. Finally, walk, stand and sit with dignity. Think of yourself as a person who deserves respect. Ask for it by the way you dress.
1. Remember that first impressions are important. People who never get to speak to you or listen to you can still see you. How do you want them to remember you?
2. Remember that you live in many different positions, even if you are not in yoga class! You sit, stand, lean over, climb up stairs with people behind you, and sit at tables facing speakers, bosses or teachers. How do your clothes or lack of clothes appear to the people who are next to you, above you and below you in all your daily positions?
3. Blouses and shirts that are too loose can be as immodest as tight ones. If the neckline droops from your body when you bend over, guess what everyone can see? (The body parts that your blouse was designed to cover!) If the armpit is too loose, think about the view of the person standing next to you — right to the inside!
4. Blouses that button sometimes have see through gaps between the buttons, so consider if there is a side view to the inside, this may not be the blouse to buy or wear. Or is it too tight and comes unbuttoned easily? You may need to wear a full slip or tank top underneath.
5. Lift your arms up over your head when you look in the mirror. Does your back or belly show? If so, you need a longer look or a layer underneath.
6. If you wear a skirt that is too short and go up stairs at work, church or school, guess what shows to the people behind you on the stairs? What else happens when you sit down? (The skirt rides up and your upper thighs are exposed, or worse yet, your underwear can be seen.)
7. Many of today's V-necks have plunged to all new "lows"! They can even become more revealing when worn by short or medium height girls. Layer your tops so that your private parts remain private.
8. If it is summer and you are wearing lightweight clothing, make sure that your undergarments are doing their job protecting your modesty. Try an extra lined bra for the months that it is too warm to dress in layers. If you wear light colored pants, how thick is the fabric and how loose are they? How solid is your underwear? Also, choose a bra that has a little padding to help disguise you when you are cold
9. Let your clothes be an advertisement of your dignity as a young lady. Be careful about dressing "grungy" even if it is modest. Typically, how you dress and how you act will correspond. If you're dressed "sloppily", you're more likely to act "sloppily". If you're dressed like a young lady, you're more likely to act like a young lady.
10. Finally, walk, stand and sit with dignity. Think of yourself as a person who deserves respect. Ask for it by the way you dress.
13 iunie 2008
Pantalonii largi au revenit in tendinte
Pantalonii largi cu talie inalta au revenit in tendinte. Fie ca sunt office sau din denim pantalonii largi in 2008 sunt la mare cautare asa ca ar trebui sa te grabesti sa iti achizitionezi o preche daca nu ai fact-o deja. Daca optezi pentru pantaloni largi evita sa porti la partea de sus ceva larg, poti opta pentru topuri viu colorate si deasemenea acestia pot fi accesorizati cu pantofi cu platforme, si genti voluminoase. Nu uita : fii chic, tinand cont de tendinte, dar mai ales imbraca cu ceea ce te avantajeaza.
08 iunie 2008
Stelutele noul trend in moda
In vara aceasta se pune accent foarte tare pe stelute , bulinie si dungile fiind in trend dar intr-o masura mai mica. Stelutele sunt noutatea sezonului si apar peste tot in noile creatii ale designerilor, fiind atasate pe haine , pantofi , bratari , coliere sau cercei. Daca vrei sa staluceti alege materiale imprimate cu steluţe, stralucitoare sau alb pe negru şi te vei încadra cu siguranta in tendintele modei actuale, insa de preferat este sa folosesti doar un singur articol imprimat cu stelute, deoarece risti sa fii prea incarcata si sa arati ca un pom de craciun. Chanel şi Yves Saint Laurent sunt principalele branduri sub care vei gasi haine din materiale imprimate astfel.
Eu mi-am achizitonat deja o rochie cu stelute (pe care o puteti vedea in poza atasata mai jos), bineinteles nu de la Chanel sau Yves Saint Laurent, dar sunt foarte mandra de ea deoarece imi place foarte mult si am gasit-o la un pret foarte bun. Prima rochita cu stelute am observat-o la Rihanna în videoclipul "Shut up and drive, remarcand ca solista stie sa urmeze tendintele actuale si deasemenea alege mereu ceea ce o avantajeaza. Stelele albe imprimate pe fond negru raman totusi alegerea cea mai eleganta si de aceea am decis ca la petrecerea de bachet sa optez pentru o rochie neagra cu stelute.
TSSSHIRT by Andreea Raicu
Andreea Raicu si-a lansat pe data de 5 iunie propria linie de tricouri numita TSSSHIRT by Andreea Raicu. Lansarea a avut loc in clubul Fratelli din Bucuresti.Tricourile au un model foarte simplu, clasic t-shirt, culorile predominnanate fiind alb si negru cu diferite imprimeuri si mesaje in culori pastelate. Tricourile TSSSHIRT se gasesc in magazinele Irina Schrotter din toata tara si in magazinul Superstar din Bucuresti, peturile fiind cuprinse intre 100 lei si 150 lei, in functie de mesaj.
06 iunie 2008
Quadranga este cea mai noua aparitie in materie de lenjeria intima.In Spania, modelul de lenjerie quadranga se vinde foarte bine si se pare ca va fi atractia verii 2008, fiind disponibil si in varianta slipului pentru inot.
Quadranga se vinde atat in variante pentru femei, cat si pentru barbati.
03 iunie 2008
Stilul vestimentar al Victoriei Beckham
Victoria Beckham este una dintre cele mai celebre femei din lume si in acelasi timp una dintre cele mai extravagante aparitii din punct de vedere vestimentar. Este o vedetă deosebit de originală iar stilul ei este unul dintre cele mai reusite de la Hollywood. Victoria Beckham a fost numita, nu de putine ori, o trendsetterita in materie de vestimentatie. Dupa cum multi stim este fidela gentilor de lux "Hermes Birkin", aceasta a cheltuit in cursul acestui an 33.000 de euro pentru sapte posete realizate de case celebre cum sunt Hermes, Fendi sau Jimmy White Choo.Victoria abordeaza in acest sezon noi tendinte, inspirandu-se din colectiile lui Alexander McQueen, Marc Jacobs, Proenza Schouler sau Azzedine Alaia. Din pozele postate de mine puteti oberva ca nu arata nicioadata prea multa piele, isi asorteaza atent hainele si nu uita de ochelarii super–size de vedeta. Nu face economii cand vine vorba de genti, pantofi sau ochelari, dupa parerea ei "acestea pot transforma total o tinuta"
01 iunie 2008
Cum sa iti alegi tinuta perfecta
Pe timp de vara este foarte important in momentul cind iti alegi tinuta de zi sau seara trebuie sa să ţii cont in primul rand de ţesături. Inul, mătasea naturală şi bumbacul sunt cele mai indicate fibre textile la care trebuie sa apelezi pe timp de vara. Evita materialele sintetice şi combinaţiile de fibre textile, cel mai indicate sunt hainele 100% din fibră naturală.
Pentru o tinuta de seara alege o rochiţă simplă, vaporoasă de cuolare verde, pantofi simpli albi si nu uitata de plic, care este la mare cautare vara aceasta. Poti opta pentru o rochie neagra din bumbac, care sa iti sublinieze talia si care sa iti scoata in evidenta formele. Vara asta se poarta femeile indraznete, sexy, cu atitudine! Insa nu uita de accesorii.
Pentru o zi insorita de vara poti opta pentru o fusta mini de culare alba si un tricou albastru marin si o sapca sau de ce nu o palarie care sa te aprele de razele soarelui.
Pentru o tinuta de zi poti apela la pantaloni si la o bluza foarte larga, pantofi cu toc sau balerini.Gentile supra- dimensionale sunt recomandate la tinuta de zi.
Imagini preluate de pe:http://www.dadamoda.info/
Pentru o zi insorita de vara poti opta pentru o fusta mini de culare alba si un tricou albastru marin si o sapca sau de ce nu o palarie care sa te aprele de razele soarelui.
Pentru o tinuta de zi poti apela la pantaloni si la o bluza foarte larga, pantofi cu toc sau balerini.Gentile supra- dimensionale sunt recomandate la tinuta de zi.
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Postări (Atom)
27 iunie 2008
Lenjerie intima barbati
Dca tot am vorbit de David Beckham ca a pozat pentru noua colectie de lenjerie intima semnata Armani, am cautat pe net mai multe modele care fac parte din acceasi colectie ,pentru a le prezenta baietilor si de ce nu pentru a bucura ochii fetelor.
26 iunie 2008
Albastru pur - acvamarin - must have in aceasta vara
Vara este un subiect de inspiratie foarte generos pentru designeri. Iar cularea albastra, care duce gandul la valurile marii, reprezinta o noua pasiune a creatorilor, fie ca este vorba de rochii, fuste, bluze sau pantaloni. Nunantele tulubratoare de acvamarin vor insoti cele mai hot tinute ale verii. Albastrul pur este cularea care predomina in noile colectii de vara Versace. Fii sigura ca ai cel putin o rochie albastra in garderoba ta si cu siguranta vei atrage priviri admirative asupra ta cand o vei imbraca.
Zara Collection
Zara Collection offers the latest, hottest trends and must have looks for each season. It is such a beautiful summer collection. I like it!!!!!!
24 iunie 2008
David Beckham - imaginea Armani pentru lenjerie intima
Acum cateva zile s-a lansat oficial campania publicitara pentru linia de lenjerie intima toamna-iarna 2008-2009 semnata Emporio Armani, in care model este fotbalistul David Beckham. Intr-un costum impecabil, Armani, David Beckham s-a intalnit cu fanii la Macy's, unde a avut loc lansarea campania publicitara de lenjerie intima Emporio Armani Underwear. Sportivul a fost ales de catre designerul Georgio Armani pentru a fi imaginea colectiei de lenjerie intima Emporio Armani. Noua campanie publicitara pentru linia de lenjerie intima pentru barbati, semnata de Giorgio Armani, a fost realizata pe plaja din Malibu.
Reclama va aparea pe panouri gigant in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Londra, Milano, Roma, Paris si Tokyo. Primul panou publicitar a fost dezvelit, in Union Square din San Francisco.
17 iunie 2008
Fashion Guidelines
When buying clothes and dressing to express your dignity as a classy young lady:
1. Remember that first impressions are important. People who never get to speak to you or listen to you can still see you. How do you want them to remember you?
2. Remember that you live in many different positions, even if you are not in yoga class! You sit, stand, lean over, climb up stairs with people behind you, and sit at tables facing speakers, bosses or teachers. How do your clothes or lack of clothes appear to the people who are next to you, above you and below you in all your daily positions?
3. Blouses and shirts that are too loose can be as immodest as tight ones. If the neckline droops from your body when you bend over, guess what everyone can see? (The body parts that your blouse was designed to cover!) If the armpit is too loose, think about the view of the person standing next to you — right to the inside!
4. Blouses that button sometimes have see through gaps between the buttons, so consider if there is a side view to the inside, this may not be the blouse to buy or wear. Or is it too tight and comes unbuttoned easily? You may need to wear a full slip or tank top underneath.
5. Lift your arms up over your head when you look in the mirror. Does your back or belly show? If so, you need a longer look or a layer underneath.
6. If you wear a skirt that is too short and go up stairs at work, church or school, guess what shows to the people behind you on the stairs? What else happens when you sit down? (The skirt rides up and your upper thighs are exposed, or worse yet, your underwear can be seen.)
7. Many of today's V-necks have plunged to all new "lows"! They can even become more revealing when worn by short or medium height girls. Layer your tops so that your private parts remain private.
8. If it is summer and you are wearing lightweight clothing, make sure that your undergarments are doing their job protecting your modesty. Try an extra lined bra for the months that it is too warm to dress in layers. If you wear light colored pants, how thick is the fabric and how loose are they? How solid is your underwear? Also, choose a bra that has a little padding to help disguise you when you are cold
9. Let your clothes be an advertisement of your dignity as a young lady. Be careful about dressing "grungy" even if it is modest. Typically, how you dress and how you act will correspond. If you're dressed "sloppily", you're more likely to act "sloppily". If you're dressed like a young lady, you're more likely to act like a young lady.
10. Finally, walk, stand and sit with dignity. Think of yourself as a person who deserves respect. Ask for it by the way you dress.
1. Remember that first impressions are important. People who never get to speak to you or listen to you can still see you. How do you want them to remember you?
2. Remember that you live in many different positions, even if you are not in yoga class! You sit, stand, lean over, climb up stairs with people behind you, and sit at tables facing speakers, bosses or teachers. How do your clothes or lack of clothes appear to the people who are next to you, above you and below you in all your daily positions?
3. Blouses and shirts that are too loose can be as immodest as tight ones. If the neckline droops from your body when you bend over, guess what everyone can see? (The body parts that your blouse was designed to cover!) If the armpit is too loose, think about the view of the person standing next to you — right to the inside!
4. Blouses that button sometimes have see through gaps between the buttons, so consider if there is a side view to the inside, this may not be the blouse to buy or wear. Or is it too tight and comes unbuttoned easily? You may need to wear a full slip or tank top underneath.
5. Lift your arms up over your head when you look in the mirror. Does your back or belly show? If so, you need a longer look or a layer underneath.
6. If you wear a skirt that is too short and go up stairs at work, church or school, guess what shows to the people behind you on the stairs? What else happens when you sit down? (The skirt rides up and your upper thighs are exposed, or worse yet, your underwear can be seen.)
7. Many of today's V-necks have plunged to all new "lows"! They can even become more revealing when worn by short or medium height girls. Layer your tops so that your private parts remain private.
8. If it is summer and you are wearing lightweight clothing, make sure that your undergarments are doing their job protecting your modesty. Try an extra lined bra for the months that it is too warm to dress in layers. If you wear light colored pants, how thick is the fabric and how loose are they? How solid is your underwear? Also, choose a bra that has a little padding to help disguise you when you are cold
9. Let your clothes be an advertisement of your dignity as a young lady. Be careful about dressing "grungy" even if it is modest. Typically, how you dress and how you act will correspond. If you're dressed "sloppily", you're more likely to act "sloppily". If you're dressed like a young lady, you're more likely to act like a young lady.
10. Finally, walk, stand and sit with dignity. Think of yourself as a person who deserves respect. Ask for it by the way you dress.
13 iunie 2008
Pantalonii largi au revenit in tendinte
Pantalonii largi cu talie inalta au revenit in tendinte. Fie ca sunt office sau din denim pantalonii largi in 2008 sunt la mare cautare asa ca ar trebui sa te grabesti sa iti achizitionezi o preche daca nu ai fact-o deja. Daca optezi pentru pantaloni largi evita sa porti la partea de sus ceva larg, poti opta pentru topuri viu colorate si deasemenea acestia pot fi accesorizati cu pantofi cu platforme, si genti voluminoase. Nu uita : fii chic, tinand cont de tendinte, dar mai ales imbraca cu ceea ce te avantajeaza.
08 iunie 2008
Stelutele noul trend in moda
In vara aceasta se pune accent foarte tare pe stelute , bulinie si dungile fiind in trend dar intr-o masura mai mica. Stelutele sunt noutatea sezonului si apar peste tot in noile creatii ale designerilor, fiind atasate pe haine , pantofi , bratari , coliere sau cercei. Daca vrei sa staluceti alege materiale imprimate cu steluţe, stralucitoare sau alb pe negru şi te vei încadra cu siguranta in tendintele modei actuale, insa de preferat este sa folosesti doar un singur articol imprimat cu stelute, deoarece risti sa fii prea incarcata si sa arati ca un pom de craciun. Chanel şi Yves Saint Laurent sunt principalele branduri sub care vei gasi haine din materiale imprimate astfel.
Eu mi-am achizitonat deja o rochie cu stelute (pe care o puteti vedea in poza atasata mai jos), bineinteles nu de la Chanel sau Yves Saint Laurent, dar sunt foarte mandra de ea deoarece imi place foarte mult si am gasit-o la un pret foarte bun. Prima rochita cu stelute am observat-o la Rihanna în videoclipul "Shut up and drive, remarcand ca solista stie sa urmeze tendintele actuale si deasemenea alege mereu ceea ce o avantajeaza. Stelele albe imprimate pe fond negru raman totusi alegerea cea mai eleganta si de aceea am decis ca la petrecerea de bachet sa optez pentru o rochie neagra cu stelute.
TSSSHIRT by Andreea Raicu
Andreea Raicu si-a lansat pe data de 5 iunie propria linie de tricouri numita TSSSHIRT by Andreea Raicu. Lansarea a avut loc in clubul Fratelli din Bucuresti.Tricourile au un model foarte simplu, clasic t-shirt, culorile predominnanate fiind alb si negru cu diferite imprimeuri si mesaje in culori pastelate. Tricourile TSSSHIRT se gasesc in magazinele Irina Schrotter din toata tara si in magazinul Superstar din Bucuresti, peturile fiind cuprinse intre 100 lei si 150 lei, in functie de mesaj.
06 iunie 2008
Quadranga este cea mai noua aparitie in materie de lenjeria intima.In Spania, modelul de lenjerie quadranga se vinde foarte bine si se pare ca va fi atractia verii 2008, fiind disponibil si in varianta slipului pentru inot.
Quadranga se vinde atat in variante pentru femei, cat si pentru barbati.
03 iunie 2008
Stilul vestimentar al Victoriei Beckham
Victoria Beckham este una dintre cele mai celebre femei din lume si in acelasi timp una dintre cele mai extravagante aparitii din punct de vedere vestimentar. Este o vedetă deosebit de originală iar stilul ei este unul dintre cele mai reusite de la Hollywood. Victoria Beckham a fost numita, nu de putine ori, o trendsetterita in materie de vestimentatie. Dupa cum multi stim este fidela gentilor de lux "Hermes Birkin", aceasta a cheltuit in cursul acestui an 33.000 de euro pentru sapte posete realizate de case celebre cum sunt Hermes, Fendi sau Jimmy White Choo.Victoria abordeaza in acest sezon noi tendinte, inspirandu-se din colectiile lui Alexander McQueen, Marc Jacobs, Proenza Schouler sau Azzedine Alaia. Din pozele postate de mine puteti oberva ca nu arata nicioadata prea multa piele, isi asorteaza atent hainele si nu uita de ochelarii super–size de vedeta. Nu face economii cand vine vorba de genti, pantofi sau ochelari, dupa parerea ei "acestea pot transforma total o tinuta"
01 iunie 2008
Cum sa iti alegi tinuta perfecta
Pe timp de vara este foarte important in momentul cind iti alegi tinuta de zi sau seara trebuie sa să ţii cont in primul rand de ţesături. Inul, mătasea naturală şi bumbacul sunt cele mai indicate fibre textile la care trebuie sa apelezi pe timp de vara. Evita materialele sintetice şi combinaţiile de fibre textile, cel mai indicate sunt hainele 100% din fibră naturală.
Pentru o tinuta de seara alege o rochiţă simplă, vaporoasă de cuolare verde, pantofi simpli albi si nu uitata de plic, care este la mare cautare vara aceasta. Poti opta pentru o rochie neagra din bumbac, care sa iti sublinieze talia si care sa iti scoata in evidenta formele. Vara asta se poarta femeile indraznete, sexy, cu atitudine! Insa nu uita de accesorii.
Pentru o zi insorita de vara poti opta pentru o fusta mini de culare alba si un tricou albastru marin si o sapca sau de ce nu o palarie care sa te aprele de razele soarelui.
Pentru o tinuta de zi poti apela la pantaloni si la o bluza foarte larga, pantofi cu toc sau balerini.Gentile supra- dimensionale sunt recomandate la tinuta de zi.
Imagini preluate de pe:http://www.dadamoda.info/
Pentru o zi insorita de vara poti opta pentru o fusta mini de culare alba si un tricou albastru marin si o sapca sau de ce nu o palarie care sa te aprele de razele soarelui.
Pentru o tinuta de zi poti apela la pantaloni si la o bluza foarte larga, pantofi cu toc sau balerini.Gentile supra- dimensionale sunt recomandate la tinuta de zi.
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